Modeling & Simulation. What is MODSIM?

Modeling & Simulation, or MODSIM,
is a data-driven, collaborative approach to product development.
Bring your teams closer together with concurrent modeling and simulation processes.
Carry out design verification and validation earlier on in the design process.
Develop better products faster.
Enjoy simpler in-process design updates, vastly improved traceability of design decisions
and faster product innovation with simulation-driven design.



Integrate Simulation Throughout Your Product Development

Faster Innovation

Making design verification faster means that Designers and Analysts can focus on product innovation and validation

Closer Collaboration

Sharing common models and data helps bring your teams together to work in a more focused, agile and efficient way

Design Confidence

Simulating product behavior in early design phases helps you to gain confidence in designs without the need for costly prototyping

Sustainable Creation

Bringing simulation into the design process sooner makes it easier to optimize product designs for sustainable manufacture

Discover Modeling & Simulation


Most modeling and most simulation today are performed as siloed disciplines using separate, often incompatible, software.

Integrated Modeling & Simulation (MODSIM) brings a revolution to the productivity of engineers and product teams. By using the same data and introducing simulation at the earliest phase of product development, engineers can confidently deliver the right product at the right time.

Modeling & Simulation User Disciplines

Simulation-Driven Design

Enable Designers and Engineers to easily create and reuse parametric geometry for product models with the CATIA SFE portfolio. Ensure functional performance before investing in details with concurrent Design and Simulation.

Function-Driven Generative Designer

Quickly and easily create geometries from optimized mesh. Automate design concept comparisons. Transform coarse mesh into smooth geometries with advanced resurfacing – all within the same environment.

Composites Design & Manufacture

Design, simulate and manufacture composite structures with a set of process-focused applications. Lower costs and refocus resources on innovation with streamlined CAE and CAD.

Which Software Enable MODSIM Practices

Discover more about the ways your design and simulation software can be used together


3DEXPERIENCE Integrated Physics Simulation

Modeling, simulation, and visualization technology are fully integrated on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, delivering powerful technology for simulation of structures and fluids, including complex assemblies directly linked with the product data.


SIMULIA Design Simulation & Optimization

Make virtual testing a standard business practice with SIMULIA. Improve product performance, reduce physical prototypes, and drive innovation. The SIMULIA product portfolio offers the most up-to-date and advanced simulation products, including Abaqus FEA, Isight, fe-safe and Tosca.

simulation consultancy services


Abaqus for CATIA

Abaqus for CATIA takes the existing functionality of Abaqus Standard and integrates this within the CATIA environment. The result is advanced functionality that extends beyond the CATIA analysis tools, working on native CATIA data within the standard CATIA interface. Abaqus for CATIA offers thermal and basic non-linear structural analysis capabilities within the CATIA Environment.

engineering design manufacturing drawing


SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional

From structural analysis to plastics injection molding simulation and computational fluid dynamics to injection molding simulation and advanced, cloud-enabled capabilities powered by Abaqus, SOLIDWORKS Simulation provides integrated analysis tools for every Designer, Engineer, and Analyst.

The MODSIM Education Series

In a series of short episodes, TECHNIA’s Engineering and Simulation experts will demonstrate how MODSIM is used with ease, applying it to the design and validation process. The series features our very own experts alongside customer testimonials.

Most product design and simulation activities are performed today as siloed disciplines, often using separate — and possibly incompatible — software.  This educational series will show how, by utilizing insights gained from simulation earlier in the design process, engineers, and product design teams can confidently deliver the right product at the right time. ​


TECHNIA Simulation

Top tier software, training and consultancy

Discover Expert Perspectives on Simulation-Driven Design

Engineers From Around the World Succeed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Engineers working in every industry on the planet use SOLIDWORKS Simulation to quickly and accurately test their designs. The result: better working products, faster, and cheaper. Learn how you can succeed with Simulation.
Cytiva (formerly GE Healthcare)
Cytiva use SOLIDWORKS Simulation to make every design decision. With design and simulation integrated in one tool, their Engineers complete product design cycles faster.
Simulation-Driven Plant Design and Operations
Engineering companies and operators of large facilities must adhere to numerous requirements to ensure their structures are safe, environmentally sound, and comply with time and budget constraints.
Simulation-Driven Design for Climate Systems
Vehicle climate systems shape more than just passenger comfort. Learn how SIMULIA PowerFLOW's simulation-driven design for climate systems can help diagnose and prevent energy loss: improving HVAC system efficiency and boosting battery life and range for hybrid and electric vehicles.

Industry-Specific MODSIM Solutions

Powertrain Strength, Durability & Vibration

Minimize emissions while reducing development time and cost by as much as 30% with virtual prototyping in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Ensure reliability, durability, efficiency, performance and safety through realistic simulation with automated modeling and meshing.

Aerospace Communication & Detection System Performance

Validate antenna performance within minutes. Reduce cost by minimizing in-flight and ground-based physical testing. Improve safety and performance of co-existing communication systems. Reduce risk of failing certification tests through high accuracy simulation.

Tire Engineering

Evaluate and optimize safety, wear resistance and fuel efficiency by employing physics-based simulation early on in the design workflow. Test green and cured tire designs in realistic virtual environments. Meet standards for force, deflection and contact patch, rolling resistance and ensure grip through braking, cornering and cambering conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use Modeling & Simulation?

Our blog on this topic goes into more detail, but Modeling & Simulation – MODSIM – helps by democratizing simulation capability in your organization. And doing so improves engineering efficiency throughout product development.

What is the difference between verification and validation?

Simply put, verification is the process of checking that your product meets specification. Whereas, validation is the process of checking that you’ve set the right specifications for the product your customers require.

Where can I learn more about Modeling & Simulation?

TECHNIA Simulation Centre of Excellence offer a broad range of course catering to every level of expertise.

When should you use Modeling & Simulation?

Modeling & Simulation – MODSIM – can save time and improve results most effectively at the beginning and end of your design process by enabling Design Engineers to accurately project real world product applications.

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