Common software packages can deliver great results, however it’s the final tailoring that provides each business with a seamless custom solution to deliver a unique selling proposition. TECHNIA create our own brand of business focused tools and templates, created or configured in-house to help our customers get the best out of the PLM products we sell and support, in particular CATIA and ENOVIA SmarTeam.

What do TECHNIA offer?

Software Customisation: Modification and tailoring of existing software
Database Services: Database setup, Deployment, Reporting and Maintenance
Software Integration: Interfacing two or more distinct software packages to work together, interface for one another, exchanging data and commands
Software Development: Creating software to customer specifications e.g. Utilities, Tools, Macros, Scripts, etc.


A comprehensive set of utilities, written and implemented across a wide user base. A selection are listed below, all of which can be customised to suit a particular client requirement.

  • Automatic drawing border with revision management (linked to SmarTeam)
  • Configurable drafting Bill of Materials
  • Automatic assembly instance renaming
  • Part attribute management
  • Point data import/export
  • NACA profile generation
  • Laser Target Point management
  • Drafting table import/export
  • Drafting hole table from 3D model
  • CATIA product from Microsoft XL BOM
  • Best-practise CATIA Environments (including drafting standards, thread specs etc.)


ENOVIA SmarTeam Tools

Over the years, TECHNIA have created and maintained a range of software libraries (DLLs) and utilities which supplement or enhance standard SmarTeam functionality. Some are ‘high impact’ developments which are clearly visible, but many of these functions are invisible to our user base, only their removal would highlight their value.

  • Customisable part numbering panel
  • Transmittal utility to automate and record the distribution of data
  • Non-Workflow notification process with Microsoft Outlook integration
  • Compare old revision of CATIA file with current
  • Numerous attribute management utilities (auto-population of meta data)
  • Security and data integrity utilities (validation of user and input data)

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